Varicose/Spider Veins

Varicose/Spider Veins

Have you spotted raised, rope-like veins on the backs of your legs? Or veins that emerge in the shape of a spiderweb? These enlarged veins, which appear as either  varicose veins or spider veins, are quite common, especially among women.
LegsHannah Sweet
Heaviness in Legs

Heaviness in Legs

Heaviness in the legs is usually caused by a dysfunction of the vascular system, resulting in swelling or edema and added weight to the legs. This heavy feeling can affect your mobility, making daily activities feel like a drag.
LegsHannah Sweet
Poor Leg Circulation

Poor Leg Circulation

Your body needs the right amount of blood flow to keep your heart pumping, your legs moving, and your brain functioning. But when blood circulation is poor, it can cause problems such as deep vein thrombosis (DVT), or a blood clot. 
LegsHannah Sweet